Dunn & Sgromo Engineers has been the engineering representative for various municipalities in New York State, providing consulting services for Village and Town Boards, Planning Boards, and Zoning Boards. In addition to providing consulting services, we have provided the following separate services:
Planning - Preparation of Land Use Plan, Zoning Code, Commercial District Guidelines, and Comprehensive Plan.
Grant Research and Procurement - Provide Grant consulting and administrative assistance in the assembling of Grant Applications to keep project costs down; work with Clients to identify appropriate Grant funding available for projects and in securing Grants from agencies such as: USDA, NYSEFC, CWSRF, CDBG, and DWSRF, among others.
District Mapping and Formation - Including Utility Districts, Elections Districts, Zoning Districts, Trash Districts, and Land Use Plans.
Sewage Treatment - Planning and design of sewage conveyance and treatment systems including sewer mains, pump stations, treatment plants, and I & I mitigation.
Water System - Planning and design of water systems including preparation of construction drawings and specifications, and construction inspections for both water distribution and water storage facilities.
Construction Management - Including construction bidding oversight, construction inspections, and contractor payment request review.
Drainage System - Including review of existing facilities, system upgrades, and flooding remediation study and design.
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) - Consultation services including preparation of State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit in accordance with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation requirements, preparation of Annual Report as required by the Permit, and assistance with Permit compliance and program management.
Dunn & Sgromo Engineers has provided these services for the following municipalities: